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Popular Science Articles  

  1. Microspheres, Photonic Atoms and the Physics of Nothing
    S. Arnold
    American Scientist 89, 414-421 (2001)

  2. Microesferas, átomos fotónicos y la física de la nada (in Spanish)
    S. Arnold
    INVESTIGACIÓN Y CIENCIA 76-83, (febrero 2003)

  3. Magic of glass sphere photonic sensors (in Japanese)
    I. Teraoka
    Nikkei Science 33, No. 6, 1 (2003)

  4. Whispering-gallery-mode biosensing: label-free detection down to single molecules
    F. Vollmer & S. Arnold
    Nature Methods, 5, 591 -596 (2008).

  5. Measuring the light infinitesmal
    S. Arnold
    The SPEX speaker, 22, 1-7 (1977)


Refereed Publications

  1. Whispering gallery mode coulometry of the nanoparticle-microcavity interaction in aqueous solution
    J.R. Lopez, E. Treasurer, K.M. Snyder, D. Keng, and S. Arnold
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 2018, 112, 051109

  2. Whispering gallery mode single nano-particle detection and sizing: the validity of the dipole approximation
    M.R. Foreman, D. Keng, E. Treasurer, J.R. Lopez, and S. Arnold
    Optics Lett., 2017, 42, 963-966.

  3. Hybrid whispering gallery mode/plasmonic chain ring resonators for biosensing
    E. Arbabi, SM. Kamali, S. Arnold, and LL. Goddard
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014, 105, 231107.

  4. Mode broadening induced by nanoparticles in an optical whispering-gallery microcavity
    Y. Hu, L. Shao, S. Arnold, YC. Liu, CY. Ma, and YF. Xiao
    Phys Rev. A, 2014, 90, 043847.

  5. Nonphotochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation in Levitated Supersaturated Aqueous Potassium Chloride Microdroplets
    K. Fang, S. Arnold, and BA. Garetz
    Crystal Growth and Design, 2014, 14, 2685−2688.

  6. Whispering Gallery Micro-Global Positioning System For Nanoparticle Sizing In Real Time
    D. Keng, X. Tan and S. Arnold
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014, 105, 071105.

  7. Label-Free Detection of Single Protein Using a Nanoplasmonic-Photonic Hybrid Microcavity
    V.R. Dantham, S. Holler, C. Barbre, D. Keng, V. Kolchenko, and S. Arnold
    Nano Lett., 2013, 13 (7), pp 3347–3351.

  8. Polynomial Smoothing of Time Series With Additive Step Discontinuities
    I.W. Selesnick, S. Arnold, and V.R. Dantham
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60, NO. 12, (2012).

  9. Periodic plasmonic enhancing epitopes on a whispering gallery mode biosensor
    S. Arnold, V.R. Dantham, C. Barbre, B.A. Garetz, X.Fan
    Optics Express, 20, 26147 (2012).

  10. Taking whispering gallery-mode single virus detection and sizing to the limit
    V. R. Dantham, S. Holler, V. Kolchenko, Z. Wan, and S. Arnold
    Applied Physics Letters,101,043704 (2012).

  11. Polymorphism in Containerless Crystallization
    David Ehre, Ke Fang, Janice E. Aber, Stephen Arnold,Michael D. Ward, and Bruce A. Garetz
    Cryst. Growth Des. DOI: 10.1021/cg200824h

  12. Pasmonic Enhancement of a Whispering-Gallery-Mode Biosensor for Single Nanoparticle detection
    S. I. Shopova, R. Rajmangal, S. Holler, and S. Arnold
    Applied Physics Letters,98,243104 (2011).

  13. Microesferas, átomos fotónicos y la física de la nada (in Spanish)
    S. Arnold
    INVESTIGACIÓN Y CIENCIA 76-83, (febrero 2003)

  14. Microspheres, Photonic Atoms and the Physics of Nothing
    S. Arnold
    American Scientist 89, 414-421 (2001)

  15. Ultra-sensitive Nanoparticle Detection using a Portable Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensor driven by a PPLN doubled DFB laser
    S. I. Shopova, R. Rajmangal, Y. Nishida, S. Arnold
    Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 103110 (2010).

  16. Bioinspired optofluidic FRET lasers via DNA scaffolds
    Yuze Sun, Siyka I. Shopova, Chung-Shieh Wu, Stephen Arnold, and Xudong Fan
    PNAS, 107, 16039-16042 (2010).

  17. Whispering gallery mode bio-sensor for label-free detection of single molecules: thermo-optic vs. reactive mechanism
    S. Arnold, S. I. Shopova, S. Holler
    Optics Expess 18, 281-287 (2010).

  18. Resonance shifts of counterpropagating whispering-gallery modes: degenerate perturbation theory and application to resonator sensors with axial symmetry nanoparticle detection in biosensing
    I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 26 No. 7, 1321 -1329 (2009).

  19. Whispering gallery mode carousel – a photonic mechanism for enhanced nanoparticle detection in biosensing
    S. Arnold, D. Keng, S. I. Shopova, S. Holler, W. Zurawsky, and F. Vollmer
    Opt. Express, 17, 6230-6238 (2009).

  20. Single virus detection from the reactive shift of a whispering-gallery mode
    F. Vollmer, S. Arnold, and D. Keng
    PNAS, 105, 20701-20704 (2008).

  21. Variational principle in whispering gallery mode sensor responses
    I. Teraoka & S. Arnold
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 25, 1038 -1045 (2008).

  22. Whispering-gallery-mode biosensing: label-free detection down to single molecules
    F. Vollmer & S. Arnold
    Nature Methods, 5, 591 -596 (2008).

  23. MicroParticle photophysics illuminates viral bio-sensing
    S. Arnold, R. Ramjit, D. Keng, V. Kolchenko and I. Teraoka
    FARADAY DISCUSSIONS 137, 65-83 (2008), DOI: 10.1039/b702920a.

  24. Estimation of surface density of molecules adsorbed on a whispering gallery mode resonator: Utility of isotropic polarizability
    I. Teraoka, S. Arnold
    J. of Appl. Phys. 102, 076109 (2007)

  25. High-Q microsphere biosensor - analysis for adsorption of rodlike bacteria
    H. Ren, F. Vollmer, S. Arnold and A. Libchaber
    Opt. Express 15, 17410 (2007)

  26. Resonance fluctuations of a whispering gallery mode biosensor by
    particles undergoing Brownian motion

    D. Keng, S. R. McAnanama, I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 103902 (2007)

  27. Detection of Protein Orientation on the Silica Microsphere Surface Using
    Transverse Electric/Transverse Magnetic Whispering Gallery Modes

    M. Noto, D. Keng, I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold
    Bio. Phys. J., 92, 4466-4472 (2007)

  28. Coupled whispering gallery modes in a multilayer-coated microsphere
    I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold
    Opt. Lett. 32, No. 9, 1147 (2007)

  29. Whispering-gallery modes in a microsphere coated with a high-refractive index layer:
    polarization-dependent sensitivity enhancement of the resonance-shift sensor and TE–TM resonance matching

    I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 24, No. 3, 653 (2007)

  30. Dielectric property of particles at interface in random sequential adsorption and its application to whispering gallery mode resonance-shift sensors
    I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold
    J. of Appl. Phys. 101, 023505 (2007)

  31. Enhancing sensitivity of a whispering gallery mode biosensor by subwavelength confinement
    O. Gaathon, J. Culic-Viskota, M. Mihnev, I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 223901 (2006)

  32. Temperature measurements using a microoptical sensor based on whispering gallery modes
    G. Guan, S. Arnold and M. V. Otugen
    AIAA JOURNAL, Vol. 44, 2385 (2006)

  33. Enhancing the sensitivity of a whispering-gallery mode microsphere sensor by a high-refractive-index surface layer
    I. Teraoka and S. Arnold
    J. Opt. Soc. Am.B, 23, 1434 (2006)

  34. Theory of resonance shifts in TE and TM whispering gallery modes by nonradial perturbations for sensing applications
    I. Teraoka and S. Arnold
    J. Opt. Soc. Am.B, 23, 1381 (2006)

  35. Molecular weight dependence of a whispering gallery mode biosensor
    M. Noto, M. Khoshsima, D. Keng, I. Teraoka, V. Kolchenko, and S. Arnold
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 223901 (2005)

  36. Nanolayer characterization through wavelength multiplexing
    of a microsphere resonator

    M. Noto, F. Vollmer, D. Keng, I. Teraoka, S. Arnold
    Opt. Lett. 30, No. 5 (2005)
    Read the MRS bulletin, “ Wavelength multiplexing of microsphere resonators used to characterize nanolayers.”

  37. Polarized transmission spectra of the fiber-microsphere system
    G. Guan, F. Vollmer
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 121115 (2005)

  38. Strong dc Electric Field Applied to Supersaturated Aqueous
    Glycine Solution Induces Nucleation of the γ Polymorph

    J. Aber, S. Arnold, B. Garetz
    Physical Review Letters 94,145503 (2005)

  39. Multiplexed DNA Quantification by Spectroscopic Shift of Two Microsphere Cavities
    F. Vollmer, S. Arnold, D. Braun, I. Teraoka, A. Libchaber
    Bio. Phys. J., 85, 1974-1979, 2003
    Read the news article from Biophotonics Internatonal, “Silica microspheres enable sensitive DNA detection.”

  41. Perturbation Approach to Resonance Shift of Whispering Gallery Modes
    in Dielectric Microspheres as a Probe of a Surrounding Medium

    I. Teraoka, S. Arnold, F. Vollmer
    J. Opt. Soc. B, in press, 2003

  42. Shift of Whispering Gallery Modes in Microspheres by Protein Adsorption
    S. Arnold, M. Khoshsima, I. Teraoka, S. Holler, F. Vollmer
    Opt. Lett. 28, 272-274 (2003)

  43. Protein Detection by Optical Shift of a Resonant Microcavity
    F. Vollmer, D. Braun, A. Libchaber, M. Khoshsima, I. Teraoka, S. Arnold
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 80, 4057(2002)
    Research highlight in Nature, “Whisper detection of proteins.”

  44. Nonclassical Polarization Effects in Fluorescence Emission Spectra from Microdroplets
    S.Arnold, N.L.Goddard, and S.C.Hill
    J. Chem. Phys. 111, 10407-10411(1999)

  45. Fluorescence Image of a Single Molecule in a Microsphere: Model
    S.C. Hill, P.Nachman, S.Arnold, J.M.Ramsey, and M.D.Barnes
    JOSA B, 16, 1868-1873 (1999)

  46. Microcavity Effect of Dye Absorbed on a Levitated Droplet
    H. Yukawa, S. Arnold, and K. Miyano
    Phys. Rev. A 60, 2491-2496 (1999)

  47. A Statistical Understanding of Nucleation
    A. Izmailov, A.S. Myerson, and S. Arnold
    J. Cryst. Growth 196, 234-242 (1999)

  48. Convertable Electrodynamic Levitator-Trap to Quasi-Electrostatic Levitator
    for Microparticle Nucleation Studies

    S. Arnold, N. Wotherspoon, and N.L. Goddard
    Rev.Sci.Instrum. 70, 1473-77 (1999)

  49. Spontaneous Emission Spectra from Microdroplets
    S. Holler, N. Goddard and S. Arnold
    J. Chem. Phys. 108, 6545-7(1998)

  50. Freezing Behavior of Single Sulfuric Acid Aerosols Suspended in a Quadrupole Trap
    K.L. Carleton, D. Sonenfroh, W.T. Rawlins, B. Wyslouzil and S. Arnold
    J. Geophys. Res. 102(D5), 6025-33(1997)

  51. Cavity Mode Selection in Spontaneous Emission from Oriented Molecules in a Microparticle
    S. Arnold, S. Holler, N.L. Goddard, and G.Griffel
    Opt. Lett. 22, 1452-1454(1997);Opt. Lett. 23, 144(1998)

  52. Cavity-enhanced Fluorescence Decay Rates from Microdroplets
    S. Arnold
    J. Chem. Phys. 106, 8280-8282(1997)

  53. Fluorescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy of an Isolated Micro-droplet
    S. Arnold, S. Holler and N. Goddard
    Mat.Sci.and Eng. B B48, 139-146(1997)
    also in Quantum Optical Phenomena in Spatially Confined Materials
    Proceedings of the 6th NEC Symposium on Fundamental Approaches to New Material Phases

    eds. K. Cho, K. Tajima and H. Kamimura
    (Elsevier , Amsterdam, 1997)pp 130-138

  54. Enhanced Coupling to Microsphere Resonances with Optical Fibers
    A. Serpengüzel, S. Arnold, G. Griffel and J.A. Lock
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14, 790-795(1997)

  55. Morphology Dependent Resonances of a Microsphere/Optical Fiber System
    G. Griffel, S. Arnold, D. Taskent, and A.Serpengüzel, John Connolly, and Nancy Morris
    Opt. Lett. 21, 695-697(1996)

  56. Imaging Enhanced Energy Transfer in a Levitated Aerosol Particle
    S. Arnold, S. Holler and S.D. Druger
    J. Chem. Phys. 104,7741-7748(1996)

  57. Fluorescence of Oriented Molecules in a Microcavity
    M.D. Barnes, C-Y. Kung, W.B. Whitten, J.M. Ramsey, S. Arnold and S. Holler
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3931-3934(1996)

  58. Excitation of Morphology Dependent Resonances of Microspherical Cavities
    using Optical Fibers

    G. Griffel, S. Arnold, D. Taskent, A.Serpengüzel, John Connolly, and Nancy Morris
    Optics and Photonics News, December, 1995, p.21

  59. Recording Long-Term Optical Images of a Brownian Particle in a
    Paul Trap Essentially Free of Thermally Induced Positional Noise

    S. Arnold, J.H. Li, S. Holler, A. Korn and A.F. Izmailov
    J. Appl. Phys. 78, 3566-3571(1995)

  60. Microparticle Driven by Parametric and Random Forces: Theory and Experiment
    A.F. Izmailov, S. Arnold, S. Holler, and A.S. Myerson
    Phys.Rev.E 52, 1325-1332(1995)

  61. Phased Injection of Microparticles in a Paul trap near Atmospheric Pressure
    S. Holler, S. Arnold, N. Wotherspoon and A. Korn
    Rev.Sci.Inst. 66, 4389(1995)

  62. Aerosol Particle Microphotography and Glare Spot Absorption Spectroscopy
    S. Arnold, S. Holler, J. H. Li, A. Serpengüzel, W. F. Auffermann, and S.C. Hill
    Opt. Lett 20, 773 (1995)

  63. Excitation of resonances of microspheres on an optical fiber
    A. Serpengüzel, S. Arnold and G. Griffel
    Opt. Lett 20, 654 (1995)

  64. Water activity in Supersaturated Solutions of Organic Solutes
    Han-Soo Na, S. Arnold, and A.S. Myerson
    J.Cryst. Growth 149 (1995)

  65. Observation of Hydration of Single, Modified Spherocarb Aerosols
    B. Wyslouzil, D. Sonnenfroh, K.L. Carleton, W. T. Rawlins, and S. Arnold
    Geo.Phys.Res.Lett. 21, 2107-2110(1994)

  66. A Parametrically Driven Particle in the Presence of a Stochastic Source:
    A Model for Thermal Equilibrium in a Paul Trap

    A. Izmailov, S. Arnold, and A.S. Myerson
    Phys.Rev.E 50, 702-708(1994)

  67. Cluster Formation in Highly Supersaturated Solution Droplets
    Han-Soo Na, S. Arnold, and A.S. Myerson
    J.Cryst. Growth 139, 104(1994)

  68. Morphological Resonances Detected from a Cluster of two Spherical Particles
    S. Arnold, A. Ghaemi, and K.A. Fuller
    Opt. Lett. 19, 156-158(1994)

  69. Microphotography on an Electrodynamically Levitated Microparticle
    S. Arnold and L.M. Folan
    Proc. SPIE 1862, 218-220(1993)

  70. Optimal Imaging of a Charged Microparticle in an Paul Trap near STP:
    Stochastic Calculation and Experiment

    S. Arnold, L.M. Folan, and A. Korn
    J. Appl. Phys. 74, 4291-4297(1993)

  71. Photon Correlation Spectroscopy for Small Spherical Inclusions in a
    Micron Sized Electrodynamically Levitated Droplet

    B.V. Bronk, M.J. Smith and S. Arnold
    Opt. Lett. 18,93-95(1993)

  72. Homogeneous Linewidths of Rhodamine 6-G at Room Temperature from
    Cavity Enhanced Spontaneous Emission Rates
    M.D. Barnes, W.B. Whitten, S. Arnold, and J.M. Ramsey
    J. Chem. Phys. 97, 7842-7845(1992)

  73. Digital Chemical Analysis of Dilute Microdroplets
    K.C. Ng, W.B. Whitten, J.M. Ramsey and S. Arnold
    Anal. Chem. 64, 2914-2919(1992)

  74. Room Temperature Microparticle Based Persistent Hole-Burning Spectroscopy
    S. Arnold, J. Camunale, W.B. Whitten, J.M. Ramsey, and K.A. Fuller
    J. Opt.Soc.Am.B 9, 819-824(1992)

  75. Characterization of the Accretion of Material by Microparticles using Resonant Ellipsometry
    L.M. Folan
    Appl.Opt. 31, 2066-2071(1992)

  76. A Three-Axis Spherical Void Electrodynamic Levitator-Trap
    S. Arnold
    Rev.Sci.Inst. 62, 3025-3028(1991)

  77. Room Temperature Microparticle based Persistent Spectral Hole Burning Memory
    S. Arnold, C.T. Liu, W.B. Whitten and J.M. Ramsey
    Opt. Lett. 16, 420-422(1991)

  78. Single Molecule Detection in Levitated Microdroplets
    W.B. Whitten, J.M. Ramsey, S. Arnold, and B.V. Bronk
    Anal. Chem. 63, 1027-1031(1991)

  79. Electric Field Modulated Light Scattering Near a Morphological Resonance
    of a Trapped Aerosol Particle

    S. Arnold, D.E. Spock and L.M. Folan
    Opt. Lett. 15, 1111-1113(1990)

  80. Optical Bistability of an Aqueous Aerosol Particle Detected
    through Light Scattering: Theory and Experiment
    S. Arnold, T.R. O'Keeffe, K.M. Leung, L.M. Folan, T. Scalese, and A. Pluchino
    Appl. Opt. 29, 3473-3478(1990)

  81. Electrometer for repeated charge exchange measurements between a microparticle and a surface: Effect of water adsorption
    L.M. Folan, S. Arnold, T.R. O'Keeffe, D.E. Spock,L.B. Schein and A.F. Diaz
    Journal of Electrostatics, 63, 25,155-163 (1990)

  82. Energy Transfer and the Photon Lifetime within an Aerosol Particle
    S. Arnold and L.M. Folan
    Opt. Lett. 14, 387-389(1989)

  83. Determination of the Orientation of Molecules at the Surface of an
    Aerosol Particle by Morphology Dependent Photoselection

    L.M. Folan and S. Arnold
    Opt. Lett. 13, 1-3(1988)


  84. A Spherical Void Electrodynamic Levitator
    S. Arnold and L.M. Folan
    Rev.Sci.Inst. 58, 1732-1735(1987)

  85. Theory of Enhanced Energy Transfer between Molecules Embedded
    in a Spherical Dielectric Microparticle

    S.D. Druger, S. Arnold, and L.M. Folan
    J. Chem. Phys. 87, 2649-2659(1987)

  86. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of a Single Aerosol Particle
    G. Sageev-Grader, S.Arnold, R.C. Flagan, and J.H. Seinfeld
    J. Chem. Phys. 86, 5897-5903(1987)

  87. FTIR Spectrometer for a Single Aerosol Particle
    G. Sageev-Grader, Richard C. Flagan, Stephen Arnold, and J.H. Sienfeld
    Rev. Sci. Inst. 58, 584-587(1987)

  88. The Optical Bistability of an Aerosol Particle
    S. Arnold, M. Leung and A.B. Pluchino
    Opt. Lett. 11, 800-802(1986)

  89. A Fluorescence Spectrometer for a Single Electrodynamically Levitated Microparticle
    S. Arnold and L.M. Folan
    Rev.Sci.Inst. 57, 2250-2253(1986)

  90. Condensation of Water on Aqueous Droplets in the Transition Regime
    G. Sageev, R.C. Flagan, J.H. Seinfeld and S. Arnold
    J. Coll. Int. Sci. 113, 421-429(1986)

  91. Photoemission from Single Electrodynamically Levitated Microparticles
    S. Arnold and N. Hessel
    Rev. Sci. Inst. 56, 2066-2069(1985); Rev. Sci. Inst.57, 993(1986)

  92. Enhanced Energy Transfer within a Microparticle
    L.M. Folan, S. Arnold and S.D. Druger
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 118, 322-327(1985)

  93. A Comprehensive Model of the Photophoretic Force on a Spherical Microparticle
    A.B. Pluchino and S. Arnold
    Opt. Lett. 10, 261-263(1985)

  94. Aerosol Particle Molecular Spectroscopy
    S. Arnold, E.K. Murphy, and G. Sageev
    Appl. Opt. 24, 1048-1053 (1985)

  95. Influence of Surface Enhanced Local Fields on Photophoresis
    S. Arnold, A.B. Pluchino and M. Leung
    Phys.Rev.A 29, 654-660 (1984)

  96. Molecular Spectroscopy of a Single Aerosol Particle
    S. Arnold, M. Neuman, and A.B. Pluchino
    Opt. Lett. 9, 4-6(1984)

  97. An Absolute Method For Single Aerosol Particle Mass Measurement
    M.A. Philip, F. Gelbard, and S. Arnold
    J. Coll. Int. Sci. 91, 507-515 (1983)

  98. I.R. Spectrum of a Single Aerosol Particle by Photothermal Modulation
    of Structure Resonances
    S. Arnold and A.B. Pluchino
    Appl. Opt. 21, 4194-4196 (1982)

  99. Size Dependence of the Photophoretic Force
    S. Arnold and M. Lewittes
    J. Appl. Phys. 53, 5314-5319 (1982)

  100. Crystal Ionization Energy of PTS
    J. Chem. Phys. 76, 3842-3843 (1982)

  101. Radiometric Levitation of Micron Sized Spheres
    M. Lewittes, S. Arnold and G. Oster
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 455-457 (1982).

  102. A Modified Millikan Capacitor for Photoemission Studies
    L. Altwegg, M. Pope, S. Arnold, Wm. Y. Fowlkes and M.A. El Hamamsy
    Rev. Sci. Inst. 53, 332-337 (1982).

  103. Broad Band Photophoretic Spectroscopy
    S. Arnold and Y. Amani
    Optics Letters 5, 242-244 (1980)

  104. Photophoretic Spectrometer
    S. Arnold, Y. Amani and A. Orenstein
    Rev. Sci.Inst. 51, 1202-1204 (1980)

  105. Photophoretic Spectroscopy
    M. Pope, S. Arnold and L. Rozenshtein
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 62, 589-591 (1979)

  106. Double Quantum External Photoelectric Effect in Tetracene
    S. Arnold, K.T. Hsieh, and M. Pope
    Phys. Stat Solidi (b)94, 263-272 (1979)

  107. Determination of Particle Mass and Charge by One Electron Differentials
    S. Arnold
    J. Aerosol Science 10, 49-53(1979)


Downloadable Thesis Mentored by MP3L Staff

  1. Inelastic Scattering from Microparticles:Fluorescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Oriented Molecules within a Levitated Microdroplet
    Noel Lee Goddard (MS Chemistry)
    May 1998

  2. Purturbation of whispering gallery modes in microspheres by protein adsorption:
    Theory and Experiment
    Maziar Khoshsima (Ph.D. Physics)
    Jan. 2004

  3. Resonant Detection of Nano to Microscopic Objects Using Whispering Gallery Modes
    Frank Vollmer (Ph.D. BioPhysics)
    May 2004

  4. Surface Interaction, Polarization and Molecular Weight Effects for a Whispering Gallery Mode Sensor
    Mayumi Noto (Ph.D. Material Science)
    May 2005

  5. Breaking the Limit for BioSensing:
    Sensitivity Enhancement of Resonant Cavity due to SubWavelength Confinement by Heterogeneous Dielectric Layering
    Ophir Gaathon (BS Electrical Engineering)
    May 2006

  6. Nano Sensing Using Nano Optics
    Momchil Mihnev (BS Electrical Engineering)
    May 2006

  7. To Be Uploaded
    May 2006

  8. Whispering Gallery Mode BioParticle Sensing and Transport
    David Keng (Ph.D. BioMedical Engineering)
    May 2009

  9. Polymer Microsphere Attachment to a Silicon Telecom Fiber for Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensing
    Ying Chen (MS Chemistry)
    Jan. 2012

  10. Toward a Label-Free Single Molecule, Functionalized, Size/Mass Spectrometer For Bio-Complex Analysis With Microcavities
    Eshan Treasurer (MS Chemical Engineering)
    Sept. 2015

  11. To Be Uploaded
    Xiaotian Tan (BS Electrical Engineering)
    Sept. 2015


Book Chapters

  1. Mechanical Probes to Nanoparticle-Microcavity Interaction and Charge
    S. Arnold, J.R. Lopez, E. Treasurer, K.M. Snyder, D. Keng
    Quantum Nano-Photonics. NATO 2017. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics
    (Springer, Dordrecht, 2018)

  2. Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensor: Fulfilling the Promise of Single Virus Detection without Labels ultra-sensitive specific sensing of bio-molecules
    S. Arnold and S.I. Shopova
    Biophotonics: Spectroscopy, Imaging, Sensing, and Manipulation,
    (Springer, Netherlands, 2011)

  3. Spectrosocpy of photonic atoms: a means for
    ultra-sensitive specific sensing of bio-molecules
    S. Arnold and O. Gaathon
    in Advances in Spectroscopy for Lasers and Sensing,
    (Springer, Netherlands, 2006)

  4. Consequences of extreme photon confinement in micro-cavities:
    Ultra-sensitive detection of perturbations
    by bio-moleculesa in Frontiers of Optical Spectroscopy:
    Investigating Extreme Physical Conditions with Advanced Optical Techniques
    S. Arnold, M. Noto, and F. Vollmer
    Eds. Baldassare DiBartolo

    (Kluwer Academic Publichers, 2005)pp. 465-489

  5. Microparticle Photophysics: Fluorescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy of a Photonic Atom
    S. Arnold, S. Holler
    Cavity - Enhanced Spectrosopies
    Eds. R.D. Van Zee, J.P. Looney

    (Academic Publichers, 2002)pp. 227-253
  6. Spontaneous Emission within a Photonic Atom: Radiative Decay Rates and Spectroscopy of Levitated Microsphere in Spectroscopy of Systems with Spatially Confined Structures
    S. Arnold
    Eds. Baldassare DiBartolo

    (Kluwer Academic Publichers, 2002)pp. 465-489

  7. Photonic atoms: Enhanced Light Coupling
    in Microcavities and Photonic Bandgaps: Physics and Applications
    NATO ASI Series
    A. Serpengüzel, S. Arnold, G. Griffel and J.A. Lock
    Eds. John Rarity and Claude Weisbuch
    (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1997) pp 237-248
  8. Optical Spectroscopy of Microcavities in Quantum Optics and the Spectroscopy of Solids
    A. Serpengüzel, S. Arnold, G. Griffel and J.A. Lock

    Eds. T. Hakioglu and A.S. Shumovsky
    (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1997) pp 237-248

  9. "Molecular Fluorescence in a Microcavity: Solvation Dynamics and Single Molecule Detection"
    M.D. Barnes, Chung-Yi-Kung, W.B. Whitten, J.M. Ramsey, and S. Arnold

    in Optical Processes in Microcavities (World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1996) pp 135-165

  10. "The Role of MDR's in Chemical Physics: Intermolecular Energy Transfer in Microdroplets"
    S. Arnold, S. Holler, and S.D. Druger
    in Optical Processes in Microcavities (World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1996) pp 285-313

  11. Microparticle Photonics: Fiber Optic Excitation Of MDR's
    in Guided Wave OptoElectronic
    S. Arnold, A. Serpenguzel, and G. Griffel
    Eds. T. Tamir, G. Griffel, and H.L. Bertoni

    (Plenum Press, New York, 1995) pp. 495-497.

  12. from Proceedings of the 4th Weber Research Institute(WRI)
    International Symposium on Guided-Wave Optoelectronics, October
    S. Arnold
    Eds. T. Tamir, G. Griffel, and H.L. Bertoni

    26-28, 1994 in Brooklyn, NY
  13. Microparticle Fluorescence and Energy Transfer,
    in Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications, Vol.3: Biochemical Applications
    L.M. Folan and S. Arnold
    Ed. J. Lakowitz (Plenum, New York, 1992).pp 346-386.
  14. Spectroscopy of Single Levitated Micron Sized Particles,
    in Optical Effects Associated with Small Particles
    S. Arnold
    Eds. P.W. Barber and R.K. Chang (World Scientific Publishing, 1988)pp.65-137.

  15. Photophoretic Spectroscopy: A Search for the Composition of A Single Aerosol Particle,
    in Heterogenous Atmospheric Chemistry
    S. Arnold and M. Lewittes
    ( Ed. by D.R. Schreyer, Geophysical Monograph 26, American Geophysical Union, Wash., D.C.1982 )50-55.

Published Thesis, Dissertations, and Reports by Students


  1. Microparticle Fluorimetry and Energy Transfer
    L.M. Folan
    Polytechnic University, 1986

  2. Levitation Based Electrometer for Experiments on Microparticle Photoemission:
    Determination of the Ionization Potential of Polymeric Materials,
    and Photoemission from Spherical Microparticles
    N. Hessel
    Polytechnic University, 1991

  3. The Characterization of an Isolated Cluster of Microparticles
    by Light Scattering Using Morphological Resonances Optical Spectroscopy
    A. Ghaemi
    Polytechnic University, 1995


  1. Microparticle Molecular Spectroscopy
    E.K. Murphy
    Polytechnic University, 1988

  2. Inelastic Scattering from Microparticles:
    Fluorescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Oriented Molecules
    within a Levitated Microdroplet
    N. Goddard
    Polytechnic University, 1998


  1. Ultra-rapid Electro-optically tuned Dye Laser Resonator
    P. Hendrie
    Polytechnic University, 1991

  2. Noise-free Long-term Imaging of a Charged Microparticle in the Presence of Brownian Noise
    S. Holler
    Polytechnic University, 1995

In Addition there have been more than 40 papers in Proceedings, and more than 100 abstracts.
